The enormous possibility, and the enormous brokenness, that is this urbania. Blossom and blight. Creative emotive manifestations of pure idealism and will. The dull glossed over eyes of abject poverty. Vibrancy and empty thud. Exquisite beauty and grotesque dilapidation. Fierce and unstoppable success. Unalterable dysfunction. The filthy rich, and the filthy. The duality of realities. Simultaneously existing polarities. Positive and negative extremes capping a spectrum of relative positioning. The well to do. The middle well to do. The middle. Lower middle. The not doing so well, and the broken. Pick a condition: it’s here. Do you want to see life in the fast lane? The jet set. The CEO’s. The old money. The stars. Thy are all here. Do you want Joe grab a six pack in a fifteen year old Chevy? He’s here. So is Precious and baby doe, the pimp and the pusher, the skinhead: they are all here. All the characters; all the rolls. The victims and abusers; the saints and sinners; the civic heroes and heals; the muscle man, the ballerina, the gay guy and the holly roller. The church lady and the tramp. The con men, and the bankers. The muggers and the philanthropist. The Granola girl and the Rasta dude. The soccor mom and the ubermom. We are all here in our respective conditions creating the sum total of this place of unlimited potential and crushing impediment.
good example of diversity of humanity.
Hey Linda, thanks for stopping by.
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