Sunday, February 6, 2011

If I am not actively engaged in a process of positive creation of something, I am, by default, engaged in the process of disintegration and decay. If I don’t have a dream, or a plan, or a goal, or some notion of what it is I want to do, I end up basically sitting around waiting for the next unfortunate event to unfold. I act positively and creatively, or I react to what fills the void.

All of life is a cycle of renewal and decay. I cannot escape it. I will grow and create and decline and die. But within the scope of my life, I will have countless lesser cycles playing out. Even as I am in decline overall, I can be engaged in a birth of a new endeavor. I need to consider the energies I tap depending on whether I am engaged in a positive endeavor, or sitting on a dead horse.

I wake up with fear in my belly, worry and fret about all the indications of calamity, both personal and global. I am in one point of view. This is, for me, the default point of view. It is negative and vitality sucking. But I am not yet incapable of having new ideas, hatching new initiatives. I am also capable of starting my days with positive energies and excitement about what that day can bring. There are infinite possibilities and potentials in all the very same moments and circumstances that I can otherwise perceive as negative. I believe this to be a truth. A core and important truth about the nature of my existence. That in any given moment there exists infinite possibility, and that infinite possibility is accessible, just as readily as are the endless opportunities to perceive negatives. And the elemental difference in what I experience my life to be, at any given moment, is a choice. A choice we all possess the power to make. I own the power to make a choice about what to give myself to. I own this, though I do not always recognize it, or believe it. Yet if I am correct, and if I am blessed with this power to choose, what greater inherent capacity could there possibly be?


The antidote to the base is the sublime. The mind has to turn from one to the other. To see hope beyond despair is a matter, not of placement of the eye, or of the superficiality of circumstance, but placement of the will and intent.

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